

Back to School AGAIN

Pois é, parece que já estamos outra vez na altura de voltar às aulas aborrecidas, aos estudos, aos exames. O Verão está quase no fim e ainda pensamos se o aproveitámos bem, mas o tempo não volta atrás. Portanto, vamos entrar com estilo de novo nas aulas! Vocês já sabem o que vão usar no primeiro dia?
Oh yeah, it seems we are again at the time of geting back to boring classes, studying and exams. Summer is almost ending and we still think if you enjoyed it nicely, but time doesn't go back. So, let's get back to school again with style! Do you know what you're wearing on your first day?

 Uma blogger espanhola usando top e saia de Mango, sapatos Zara e mala Chanel, um bom look descontraído para a escola
A spanish blogger wearing Mango top and skirt, Zara shoes, Chanel bag, a good relaxed look for school

Uma blogger da Alemanha usando chapéu Mini Manou,mala Grafea, top e kimono de Romwe, botas Ash e calções Coal Terry
A blogger from Germany wearing Mini Manou hat, Grafea bag, Romwe top and kimono, Ash boots and Coal Terry shorts

Um look de uma blogger australiana com top Yesstyle, sapatos Calico, jeans e mala com tachas
A look from an australian blogger with Yesstyle top, Calico shoes, jeans and beaded bag

Uma blogger da Bulgária a usar top, calções e casaco de H&M, sapatos Nike, mala e relógio de Tally Weijl
A blogger from Bulgaria wearint H&M top, shorts and coat, Nike shoes, Tally Weijl bag and watch

Uma blogger europeia com mala, sapatos e camisa de Bangood, saia Meow Shop, saia River Island e lacinho no cabelo
An european blogger with bag, shoes and shirt from Bangood, Meow Shop skirt, River Island skirt and hair bow

De novo, a mesma blogger europeia, usando vestido de Sheinside, sapatos Mart of China e mala Romwe
Again, the same european blogger, wearing Sheinside dress, Mart of China shoes and Romwe bag

Look de uma blogger da República Checa usando t-shirt Chiquelle, camisa Choies e sapatilhas
Look from a blogger from Czech Republic wearing Chiquelle t-shirt, Choies shirt and sneakers

Uma blogger do Reino Unido usando blusa Zara, sapatos Nike, calções H&M, mala DKNY, óculos Ray Ban
A blogger from United Kingdom wearing Zara blouse, Nike shoes, H&M shorts, DKNY bag, Ray Ban sunglasses

9 comentários:

  1. Woww, loved all looks, nice post dear! Kisses <3

  2. Nice looks! My favorites are the one with Marilyn Monroe dress and the last one ;)

  3. Hi dear,

    love your picks! Great post :)
    I don’t know if you noticed, but I have a completely new website, check it out here:
    and let me know what you think!
    Also, I am moving from Blogger so you can’t follow me through GFC anymore, but if you go to my new page you will see that you can follow the blog through:

    Looking forward seeing you on my blog again!

  4. gosto muito da terceira sugestão :)

  5. Great post
    Fabulous pictures

    Love Vikee

  6. Great post, I like all outfits!!!

    Instagram: etlittlethings

  7. amazing post!! love all the outfits ;)
    xx CM


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