

Graphic, baby!

E que tal um bocado de liberdade de expressão na moda? As t-shirts com frases e palavras são tendência e agora até nas malas e clutchs se vê. Estas peças com trocadilhos e afirmações são perfeitas para conjugar com padrões mais excêntricos. Já és adepta?
What about a little freedom of speech in fashion too? T-shirts with phrases or words are a trend and it is seen in bags and clutchs too. This garments with puns and statements are perfect to combine with more excentric prints. Are you in?

 Street Style da Semana de Moda de Nova Iorque com a ícone, Eleonora Carisi usando uma t-shirt gráfica conjugada com uma saia floral
Street Style from New York Fashion Week with the icon, Eleonora Carisi wearing a graphic t-shirt combined with a floral skirt

 Look de uma blogger das Filipinas usando uma t-shirt com um trocadilho, calções WAGW e sapatos e colar de Forever 21
Look from a blogger from Philipines wearing a t-shirt with a pun, WAGW shorts and Forever 21 shoes and necklace

 Street Style da Semana de Moda de Paris usando uma saia midi e sweater gráfica
Street Style from Paris Fashion Week wearing a midi skirt and graphic sweater

 Look de uma blogger da Polónia usando t-shirt gráfica de Shesariot e leggins com um padrão bem colorido
Look from a blogger from Polland wearint a graphic t-shirt from Shesariot and very colourful leggins

 Detalhe do Street Style da Semana de Moda de Paris usando casaco de Miu Miu e mala gráfica
Detail from the Street Style of Paris Fashion Week wearing a Miu Miu coat and graphic bag

 Look de uma blogger de Puerto Rico usando calções Pacsun, top Bershka e óculos Topshop
Look from a blogger from Puerto Rico wearing Pacsun shorts, Bershka top and Topshop sunglasses

Street Style da Semana de Moda de Nova Iorque usando uma mala com uma citação
Street Style from New York Fashion Week wearing a bag with a sentence


13 comentários:

  1. Hello!
    Nice post!
    Do you want follow each other on bloglovin too? Just folow me there and I follow you back?

  2. Great post! I have been loving graphic tees lately. :)

    xo - Sheila

  3. Love this trend! Fab photos!

  4. Some of them are very cool.


  5. great post! :)

  6. Love it. Thank you for sharing! i like your inspiring blog, what about following each other?

  7. Great inspirational post!

  8. great! I am following you now, please follow me back;)


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