

Fake Tattoos + Giveaway

Adoramos tatuagens, mas às vezes a incerteza e medo de não gostar faz-nos não dar o passo à frente, verdade? Agora, com a Fake Tattoos podemos experimentar uma tatuagem sem compromisso para a vida inteira. Frases que nos marcaram, animais que adoramos, Old School... Até podemos desenhar a tatuagem que queremos fazer permanentemente, encomendar na Fake Tattoos e experimentar!
We love tattoos, but sometimes the uncertainty and fear of not liking it make us not steping forward, true? Now, with Fake Tattos we can have the experience of a tattoo without the commitment for life. Quotes that we love, animals that we adore, Old School... We can even design the tattoo we want to do permanently in the future, order it on Fake Tattoos and try it out!

Vocês acham que ficava por aqui? Não, não! As unhas também vão ser as estrelas. A Fake Tattoos também tem tatuagens para as unhas, que substituem a difícil Nail Art com os vernizes de ponta. E com envio grátis para todo o Mundo, o que estás à espera para teres as tuas?
Do you guys think it was just this? No, no! The nails will also be the stars. Fake Tattoos also have nail tattoos, that replace the difficult Nail Art with those pointy nail polishes. And with free shipping worldwide what are you waiting for to get yours?

A minha experiência fake | My fake experience

Eu adorei a minha experiência. São super rápidas e fáceis de colocar e o efeito é espetacular. Os detalhes nas tatuagens são tão intrigados, que não parecem nada falsas. E, apesar de ainda nao ter as unhas perfeitas para as nails tattoos por ter deixado de roer à pouco tempo, ficou maravilhoso.
I loved my experience. They are super quick and easy to put on and the effect is amazing. The details on the tattos are so intrigued, that they don't seem fake at all. And, although I haven't got the perfect nails for nails tattoos since I just stopped biting my nails, it was wonderful.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

25 comentários:

  1. Fabulous tattoos!!
    We follow you on gfc, bloglovin and facebook! It's your turn!!
    Chic With The Least
    Also on Facebook and on Bloglovin’

    1. On gfc we are your last followers (n°647) and on facebook we are fans n°790, as Chicwiththeleast Francy-Stef. Can you see now?

    2. On bloglovin we are Francesca & Stefania!

  2. great post¡
    follow you, kisses ;)

  3. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  4. The tattoos are so cute :D

  5. Awesome tatoos.
    Great giveaway.
    Entered & hoping to win :)
    Wish me good luck.

  6. Oh they are so nice. Awesome and like them. Thanks for sharing. Of course we can follow each other. Thank you for visiting my blog and for the sweet thoughts. I just followed you on GFC and Bloglovin.


  7. fake tattoos are a great way to get an idea of what a real might look like :) following you now on gfc,maybe you want to do the same? :)

  8. Thanks for your comment! :)
    Of course we can follow each other, I'm already following you! ;)
    Very nice and original giveaway!

  9. seguidora gmgm
    Também gostava de experimentar essas tatuagens!
    Para depois usar com esse vestido!

  10. nice tattoos!

  11. Nice tattoos! Thanks for the giveaway. Love the dress. <3

  12. Awsum Tattoos .... Lets follow each other

  13. I'm following you on GFC and Bloglovin, hope you'll do the same ;)



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